1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100

Thorn TX100 Chassis

Model: Ferguson 51A2


System:625 Line

Original List Price : £399.00 ( to be ascertained)

Valves: None

Transistors: Yes

Integrated Circuits: Yes

1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 1 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 2 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 3 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 4 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 5 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 6 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 7 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 8 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 9 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 10 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 11 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 12 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 13

Fixed the TX100 door flap.  The one you see above was a temporary one I used. It was an acceptable substitution, as the original flap was missing. This was due to a retaining post having broken away, thankfully the original owner found the flap for me.

Today I replaced the missing bottom post with a post I had from a scrap VCR. Cut it to the correct height and glued in place. The associated bottom retained that clips to the post had one side broken. I found a suitable grey piece from a VCR button, and cut it to size. Then glued that in place. The flap now stays in place and can be hinged, though I have to be careful as you just don’t know how strong the fix will be. As it’s in my care, it should last.

1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 14 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 15 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 16 1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 17


1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 18
1981 Ferguson 3V24, 3V25
1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 19
1985/86 21″ Ferguson 51A2 FST

1986 22″ Ferguson 51A2 FST TX100 20

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1 year ago

Super condition! Whilst working at Multibroadcast,we had many of these out on rental. Good reliable sets, but those FST tubes always looked a little soft, especially out to the edges. I remember we had one that had no colour, and despite many engineers trying to fix it, no one suceeded! it went for scrap in the end!

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