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Member: Old Git I worked for a short while in a TV repair shop that used to re-gun tubes in the...
Read the adventures of various Radio & Television engineers. If you’ve a tale to tell yourself, why not send it to us. Click here to submit a trade tale
Member: Old Git I worked for a short while in a TV repair shop that used to re-gun tubes in the...
Member: Valvekits Have I already mentioned the dreaded field service visit where you need to be there before 10:30 or after...
Member: Hurty I worked for Telefusion (Preston) and one of my calls this Saturday (weekends we covered other peoples patches) was...
Member: Marconi_MPT4 This particular morning we had a frantic phone call from a customer out in the sticks complaining that water...
Submitted By Member: Terrykc In the early 70s I worked in the City of London on a 22 channel cable...
Submitted By Member: Terrykc Unlike most service departments, I think, ours was open to all – and we’d built up...
Member: Valvekits I arrived at the customer’s front door to be greeted by a note written on the back of a...
Member: Valvekits One of the first things I discovered about being a TV apprentice was the number things expected of me...
Member: Sideband This little incident happened on a Saturday at my first job. Harry was already working when I got...