How many 405-line s...
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How many 405-line sets are operational today?

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Extending a request from Panrock... 


Posted by: Panrock

Do you watch 405-line television, using a converter or other method? Or do you know of others who do and may not post here? 

If so please post in this thread. 

Of interest : 

a) The number of working and usable 405-line or dual-standard sets you (or your nominee) has access to. You may list them if you wish.

b) The method(s) you use to obtain the signal.

c) Your rough location in the UK - or the world!

If this can be converted into a 'poll' by a moderator, all well and good. However I don't understand how to do this myself, and am not sure whether it would be a flexible enough format.

Grateful for your help! As an example, I'll start the ball rolling with my own answers:


a) 3: 'Bude'. Philips 17TG100-U, Sony TV9-90.

b) Aurora

c) SW Midlands


Posted : 04/01/2019 12:36 pm
Posts: 12242
Vrat Founder Admin

B&W 405 only:
Bush TV22, Murphy V230

B&W Dual Standard 405/625:
Bush TV125CU

Colour Dual Standard 405/625:
Baird M702W, Baird M718, Decca CTV25, Philips G25k502, Ferguson 3700[1], Ferguson 3700[2], HMV 2700, HMV 2701

Non operational awaiting repair: Dual std colour Decca CTV22C

405 signal for above sets: Aurora, IMOGen

Location: Bishop Auckland


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Posted : 05/01/2019 12:42 pm
Posts: 111
Estimable Member Registered

11 working sets as follows (two of which used to belong to crustytv as it happens!) Bit late for the survey maybe as have only just re-registered but it boosts the North East's representation.

Decca DM45, Dynatron TV27, Ultra Bermuda 1781, Decca 121, Decca 1000, Decca Dual Unit, KB Royal Star (QVP model), Ekco T221, Pageant P109, Bush TV32 and the dual standard Baird M640.

Not fully working/awaiting repair - Bush TV80, Sony TV9-306UB, Ekco TMB 272.

Converters 1 Aurora, 1 Pineapple

Location Newcastle Upon Tyne 

Posted : 15/01/2019 2:18 pm
Posts: 12242
Vrat Founder Admin

Welcome back Derren, happy to see you here, very much looking forward to you contributing once again to our forum discussions? 

Posted By: Derren

Bit late for the survey maybe as have only just re-registered but it boosts the North East's representation.

Thanks for adding your 405-line collection to the list at Vrat. Its not too late, Steve has stated he will be keeping an eye on all threads that are gathering data and will update his stats as time passes and further sets are reported on all the fora.

I think the lack of contributions to the thread here was not through apathy but more to do with most members of Vrat also being members of UKVRRR, therefore decided it made sense to post their collection data over there. As I'm not a member of UKVRR mine was the singular contribution here, now I don't feel so lonely  ? 

Posted By: Derren

11 working sets as follows (two of which used to belong to crustytv as it happens!)

Great to know the Ultra and Pageant are still giving you good service.


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Posted : 16/01/2019 7:26 am
Derren, Derren and Derren reacted