JVC TM-1010PN-K Pro...
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CTV JVC TM-1010PN-K Professional Video Monitor

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A friend won this on Evilbay but unfortunately the seller decided to send this wrapped in a single layer of bubble wrap via Evri, with inevitable results! 

20231205 150655
20231205 143032

Quite how the tube didn't get necked is beyond me as the whole weight of the thing was on the neck resting on a heat sink. The tube was originally attached to the front with four screws in each corner as you'd expect, however the plastic fixings had broken off so the tube was completely loose. 

So, firstly to address the tube mounting issue I heated up the heads of some M4 bolts and plunged them into where the plastic mounts are supposed to be:

20231205 152009

Then I melted some scrap plastic and filled the voids around the bolts:

20231205 152033

I also strengthened the front with some epoxy as it seemed to be a bit brittle. This certainly isn't the build quality I'd expect from a "professional video monitor" then again this is a lot newer than I'm used to (1998!) So maybe I'm expecting too much?

More to follow once the epoxy is set.

Posted : 05/12/2023 9:29 pm
ntscuser and Lloyd reacted
Posts: 1995
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Looks like it fared better than the Sony PVM that I had in 2009! The tube got necked in that, and most of the boards were broken by the tube bouncing on them. That was just put in a box with no packaging at all! The most interesting packaging attempt was done by another eBay seller who sent me a 9” Philips telly with nothing more than 2 Jiffy bags gaffer taped over the front and back!! Amazingly it survived the journey, and even worked to some extent!


Posted : 05/12/2023 10:13 pm
WayneD reacted
Posts: 6632
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Posted by: @wayned

This certainly isn't the build quality I'd expect from a "professional video monitor" then again this is a lot newer than I'm used to (1998!) So maybe I'm expecting too much?

We used a lot of those at work at one point and no, the build quality wasn't great but they were cheap and you could get two in a 19" rack. I think you could run them off 12V as well so they made a good "field" monitor. Used to get dry joints in the decoder (no luminance) and they had field scan problems caused by an electrolytic being hard up against a heatsink. Never had PSU or line output trouble with them though.

Posted : 05/12/2023 11:42 pm
WayneD reacted
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Reassembled the bezel:

20231206 194105

Switch on aaaaannnnnd:

20231206 200717
20231206 200853

Oh dear, very dim. When I turn the brightness and contrast up red is smeared, green is missing but blue is just about passable. The lack of green might be due to shipping damage so I'll investigate further but I'm not holding out much hope for this. Last PAT test was 2016 so I wonder if this has been used from 1998 right up to then.

Posted : 06/12/2023 8:48 pm
Posts: 1995
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Oh dear, it does look a little sick!! Maybe it’ll come up better with use? Would it be worth checking the heater volts are correct? 

Posted : 06/12/2023 10:18 pm
WayneD reacted
Posts: 2122
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At least the CRT shadowmask isn't buckled so there's hope, hard to tell but the CRT emission looks good. Could be that the lack of green drive is mucking up the auto greyscale. Might be worth checking the A1/screen volts from the LOPT and the print under it.


Posted : 06/12/2023 10:47 pm
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There's nothing getting to the G2 pin, which I've managed to trace (with the help of my phone's camera!) To a hairline crack on the neckboard across the G2 trace:

Screenshot 20231212 133451 Gallery

Looking at the neckboard closer I spot the green transistor has a broken solder pad:

Screenshot 20231212 133429 Gallery

A couple of repairs and....

20231212 140736
20231212 145047

Now that's more like it! Sorted.

Posted : 12/12/2023 7:35 pm
ntscuser, slidertogrid, Nuvistor and 3 people reacted
Posts: 1995
Prominent Member Registered

That’s better! Well spotted!

Posted : 12/12/2023 10:28 pm
WayneD reacted