Old Granada Colour ...
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[Closed] Old Granada Colour TV set

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Posts: 293
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I've noticed a Granadacolour TV set on ebay, looks early '70s, delta tube etc. Has anyone else seen it (easy to search for and good pictures) ? Does anyone know what the model is ? Looks like all transistor but may have a valve line output stage hidden away in the can.

Posted : 21/01/2019 11:34 pm
Posts: 2128
Prominent Member Registered

Well I've done a quick search and failed miserably to find it. In the 70s they rebadged stuff from many manufacturers, the later Finlandia models were made by Salora.


Posted : 21/01/2019 11:55 pm
Posts: 293
Honorable Member Registered
Topic starter

Are ebay links allowed ?

"Vintage Granada TV Set Old Television Antique " should find it, its in Warminster.

Posted : 22/01/2019 12:44 am
Posts: 12472
Vrat Founder Admin
Posted by: mfd70

Are ebay links allowed ?

There are exceptions but in this case absolutely not!

E-bay links have long been covered in the rules which are small in content and easily found via link in the homepage footer. The reading of being a prerequisite of membership https://www.radios-tv.co.uk/rules/

I would also appreciate that the rule is not circumvented by discussing an item even without a link as It's easy to find the associated listing with other info and clues given. This has been occurring of late with a little more frequency (I hasten to add not by the OP) to which until now, I've turned a blind eye.

This forum is well known for vintage TV information and e-bayers frequently (without permission) use it as a reference source. Proof of this being a recent 18" Ferguson TX9 that sold on there this weekend, it was sold using Radios-TV info as a source to assist the sale. 

My reasons for banning e-bay listings is well known and I won't go into them here, suffice to say e-bay was one of the main causes of troubles on the old incarnation of the forum which I do not wish to repeat here. As many will know UKVRRR takes the same stance on e-bay and I should have taken note, I foolishly thought it possible to have them but events on the old VRAT proved otherwise and UKVRRR to be correct. Thus far the total ban policy here has served me well with over two years of relative tranquillity and I wish that to continue.

Members are free to discuss such matters privately within the PM system if so required.

Thanks for your co-operation.


And in answer to your query the set in question is a badge engineered GEC 2110 chassis .

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Posted : 22/01/2019 6:52 am