1983 Philips 26CS3890/05R Teletext & Printer
MRG Systems ATP600 Databridge
Teletext Editing Terminal
Microvitec Monitor 1451MS4
BBC Microcomputer TELETEXT Project
Viewdata, Prestel, Philips
Philips Model Identification
1976/77 Rank Arena AC6333 – Worlds First Teletext Receiver
PYE 1980s Brochure
Ceefax (Teletext) Turns 50
Philips 1980s KT3 – K30 Range Brochure
Zanussi Television Brochure 1982
Ferguson Videostar Review
She soon put that down
1983 Sanyo Brochure
Wireless World Teletext Decoder
Unitra Brochure
Rediffusion CITAC (MK4A)
Thorn TRUMPS 2
Grundig Brochure 1984
The Obscure and missing Continental
G11 Television 1978 – 1980
Hitachi VIP201P C.E.D Player
Thorn 3D01 – VHD VideoDisc Player
Granada Television Brochure, 1970s
Long Gone UK TV Shops
Memories of a Derwent Field Service Engineer
PYE Australia Circa 1971
Radios-TV VRAT
Fabulous Fablon
Thorn TX10 Chassis
Crusty-TV Museum, Analogue TV Network
Philips N1500 Warning!
Thorn EMI Advertising
Thorn’s Guide to Servicing a VCR
Ferguson 3V24 De-Robed
Want to tell us a story?
Video Circuits V15 – Tripler Tester
Thorn Chassis Guide
Remove Teletext Lines & VCR Problems
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Colour TV Brochures
1970s Lounge Recreation
CrustyTV Vintage Television Museum
Linda Lovelace Experience
Humbars on a Sony KV2702
1972 Ultra 6713
1983 Philips 26CS3890/05R Teletext & Printer
MRG Systems ATP600 Databridge
Teletext Editing Terminal
Microvitec Monitor 1451MS4
BBC Microcomputer TELETEXT Project
Viewdata, Prestel, Philips
Philips Model Identification
1976/77 Rank Arena AC6333 – Worlds First Teletext Receiver
PYE 1980s Brochure
Ceefax (Teletext) Turns 50
Philips 1980s KT3 – K30 Range Brochure
Zanussi Television Brochure 1982
Ferguson Videostar Review
She soon put that down
1983 Sanyo Brochure
Wireless World Teletext Decoder
Unitra Brochure
Rediffusion CITAC (MK4A)
Thorn TRUMPS 2
Grundig Brochure 1984
The Obscure and missing Continental
G11 Television 1978 – 1980
Hitachi VIP201P C.E.D Player
Thorn 3D01 – VHD VideoDisc Player
Granada Television Brochure, 1970s
Long Gone UK TV Shops
Memories of a Derwent Field Service Engineer
PYE Australia Circa 1971
Radios-TV VRAT
Fabulous Fablon
Thorn TX10 Chassis
Crusty-TV Museum, Analogue TV Network
Philips N1500 Warning!
Thorn EMI Advertising
Thorn’s Guide to Servicing a VCR
Ferguson 3V24 De-Robed
Want to tell us a story?
Video Circuits V15 – Tripler Tester
Thorn Chassis Guide
Remove Teletext Lines & VCR Problems
Website Refresh
Colour TV Brochures
1970s Lounge Recreation
CrustyTV Vintage Television Museum
Linda Lovelace Experience
Humbars on a Sony KV2702
1972 Ultra 6713
Philips G8

After taking delivery of several large TVs from Chris (crusty) recently. I was talking with Chris at the weekend saying that’s me about done as I’m running out of room fast, so I’m not buying any more TVs. Yeah right famous last words and all that
I saw on eBay a rather nice looking G8 that was open to offers, so I put in an offer not thinking I would stand any chance then forgot about it till I had a notice say my offer had been accepted
The set is an early Nouveau 22 using the G8 Chassis, now I have been told this is quite rare these days but that’s not the reason I bought it
as I’ve said to most of the people that know me, I’m not a lover of the G8 I just like the look of this set
I collect the set at the weekend so more photos will follow

Posted by: @the_telemanI saw on eBay a rather nice looking G8 that was open to offers so I put in an offer not thinking I would stand any chance then forgot about it till I had a notice say my offer had been accepted
Very nice I think I saw your post on Facebook about it, sometimes it's tricky to know who is who on different forums.

I didn’t see many G8 sets but they performed well, didn’t give me too many problems and easy to work on.

A stylish set, and a G8.... looking forward to reading more. ?
To understand the black art of electronics is to understand witchcraft. Andrew.
1979 Philips G22C700/01 G11 Chassis
8 months ago
1978 Pye CT450 - Philips G11 Chassis
2 years ago
Saga of a Philips K12 Chassis..still ongoing!
2 years ago
Ferguson 37063 (tx10 chassis) no picture or sound.
5 years ago
Philips X25K121 first European colour TV set.
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