1983 Philips 26CS3890/05R Teletext & Printer
MRG Systems ATP600 Databridge
Teletext Editing Terminal
Microvitec Monitor 1451MS4
BBC Microcomputer TELETEXT Project
Viewdata, Prestel, Philips
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1976/77 Rank Arena AC6333 – Worlds First Teletext Receiver
PYE 1980s Brochure
Ceefax (Teletext) Turns 50
Philips 1980s KT3 – K30 Range Brochure
Zanussi Television Brochure 1982
Ferguson Videostar Review
She soon put that down
1983 Sanyo Brochure
Wireless World Teletext Decoder
Unitra Brochure
Rediffusion CITAC (MK4A)
Thorn TRUMPS 2
Grundig Brochure 1984
The Obscure and missing Continental
G11 Television 1978 – 1980
Hitachi VIP201P C.E.D Player
Thorn 3D01 – VHD VideoDisc Player
Granada Television Brochure, 1970s
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Memories of a Derwent Field Service Engineer
PYE Australia Circa 1971
Radios-TV VRAT
Fabulous Fablon
Thorn TX10 Chassis
Crusty-TV Museum, Analogue TV Network
Philips N1500 Warning!
Thorn EMI Advertising
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1983 Philips 26CS3890/05R Teletext & Printer
MRG Systems ATP600 Databridge
Teletext Editing Terminal
Microvitec Monitor 1451MS4
BBC Microcomputer TELETEXT Project
Viewdata, Prestel, Philips
Philips Model Identification
1976/77 Rank Arena AC6333 – Worlds First Teletext Receiver
PYE 1980s Brochure
Ceefax (Teletext) Turns 50
Philips 1980s KT3 – K30 Range Brochure
Zanussi Television Brochure 1982
Ferguson Videostar Review
She soon put that down
1983 Sanyo Brochure
Wireless World Teletext Decoder
Unitra Brochure
Rediffusion CITAC (MK4A)
Thorn TRUMPS 2
Grundig Brochure 1984
The Obscure and missing Continental
G11 Television 1978 – 1980
Hitachi VIP201P C.E.D Player
Thorn 3D01 – VHD VideoDisc Player
Granada Television Brochure, 1970s
Long Gone UK TV Shops
Memories of a Derwent Field Service Engineer
PYE Australia Circa 1971
Radios-TV VRAT
Fabulous Fablon
Thorn TX10 Chassis
Crusty-TV Museum, Analogue TV Network
Philips N1500 Warning!
Thorn EMI Advertising
Thorn’s Guide to Servicing a VCR
Ferguson 3V24 De-Robed
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1972 Ultra 6713
Question Thorn PCB

One for @jayceebee or @jcdaze
I have been given this Thorn PCB, I'm fairly certain it is linked to tuning/remote circuit control, as It uses a Plessey ML237B. This is a 6-channel sense circuit ic. There is also a post labelled vol and a preset marked 'set mute'.
The board is marked as U909C (black) S909 B (orange) 909/021 C (green) on the print-side, and there's a sticker 909 110234 on the component side.
So, am I correct as to its function, but more importantly what series of chassis? My gut is telling me 96K, though I'm confused by the U9xx, wasn't 96K U7xx modules. Maybe it's 98K.
Help me Thorn boys, put me out of my misery and reveal what you know.
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@crustytv I had a look at the 9800 series service manual from September 1978 and it is the channel control panel for the 22 inch version with neon channel indicator. 26 inch versions used a different panel. In fact manual states that there were 2 types of touch tune panels (PCA860 and PCA862) or another system using 3 panels (PCA456, PCA480) and PCA909). That is all that I know. Cup of tea for me now.

Cheers Jim, need to trust my spidey-sense. Enjoy your cuppa
For completeness to the thread, here's the cct for the module
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Were the touch panels used with this PCB the same as those awful pads fitted to the later Thorn 8800 chassis that kept getting stuck on one channel when someone with the merest speck of jam or some other food on their finger operated the pad? I wish I'd had a £ for every one of those I replaced. They were fixable, but it was such a hassle stripping them apart - especially trying to get the circular grip washers to clamp tightly again afterwards.

@captain-peacock The PCB shown was used in various 9600 and 9800 models, the former used a mix of the touch assembly you described and a much better non latching switch bank used on the early remote versions of the 8800 and 9000. The troublesome type on the 8800/9000 was later available as a tact switch replacement which solved the problem except when splashed with liquid.
As you say at least repair was possible unlike RBM and I think maybe ITT models where the plastic insulating material between the pairs of contacts would often go conductive.
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