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News [Closed] RetrotechUK show (previously NVCF) 26th September 2021

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The re-branded RetrotechUK show (previously NVCF) is being held at the Warwickshire Event Centre on the Fosse Way, just outside of Royal Leamington Spa on September 26th.

This is a reminder that it's under two weeks away!

Over 160 stalls, all indoors, huge free car park, full range of refreshments available all day.

See  https://www.retrotechuk.com/  for location/times/prices/info, etc.

Here's a short video of previous events as a taster, turn up your speakers and enjoy! 

If you haven't been before, it's got an enormous range of vintage technology on sale. Radios, TVs, Audio, Telephones, Vinyl, Record Players, Testgear, Retro computing, Parts, Valves, Cables, Collectables you name it!

We have spaced out the stalls a little more than usual to ensure lots of room for distancing and browsing. Entrance prices remain the same, with two-tier entry - Early entry at 9:00 (£25) and Normal entry at 10:30 (£10).

Note that there will be no shuttle bus service from Leamington Spa this year. Train travellers might wish to check for fellow visitors at the station and share taxis.

Everybody's very welcome, and hope to see you there!



Posted : 15/09/2021 11:25 am
ntscuser, crustytv, ntscuser and 3 people reacted
Posts: 12254
Vrat Founder Admin

As much as I'd love to go, as I've never been, I think I've waited this long, I'll wait a little longer. For me, events on this scale just seem way too risky in the current climate. Just my opinion, appreciate others see it differently.  Those that do go, I hope you have a great time and find a bargain.

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Posted : 15/09/2021 11:52 am
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I'll not be going for two reasons - one, because distancing around stalls just will not happen so I'm not going to tempt fate and anyway, I might be tempted into buying something when I'm supposed to be looking at disposal.

So I'll stay safe at home and save money too. 

Posted : 15/09/2021 10:02 pm
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I’ll be there! I’ve been making a list of bits for projects, hopefully I’ll find some of what’s on it! I’ll have a dig around and see what I can bring along for the bring and buy, I passed on a few old scopes and VCR’s last time, didn’t expect them to go at all, but they had vanished by the time I came back!



Posted : 16/09/2021 9:18 am
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I won’t be there, I don’t need anything, my collection is now down to a couple of radios.

 Golborne BWVS is in November, very small and generally not too crowded, may try that it’s only 5 miles away. Decide in November.




Posted : 16/09/2021 10:26 am
Posts: 288
Honorable Member Registered

Mmm, Sounds like the September show will be a resounding success from the above comments...

I've not decided yet myself, last time I went, a small aircraft crash landed on the A40 as I was on my way, how's that for luck ?

Posted : 17/09/2021 8:00 pm
Posts: 12254
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Posted by: @mfd70

Mmm, Sounds like the September show will be a resounding success from the above comments...

I actually think it will be a huge success, folk have been waiting so long for it. People with reasons to avoid like mine, are I suspect in a minority.

Posted by: @mfd70

last time I went, a small aircraft crash landed on the A40 as I was on my way,


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Posted : 17/09/2021 8:13 pm
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Posted by: @crustytv

I actually think it will be a huge success, folk have been waiting so long for it. People with reasons to avoid like mine, are I suspect in a minority.

I've already mentioned to someone I won't be going, which met with no comment.

I'm happy staying away - if anything, given the near-equality of distances involved I'd rather drive to the coast and sit by the sea on my own with a flask of tea and some sarnies.

Posted : 18/09/2021 4:24 pm
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I certainly hope it is a big success as there are far too few shows at the moment. I'm sure the BVWS are fully conversant with what needs to be done to keep us safe so I'm certainly going but taking care. I can fully understand some people still being wary  particularly if they are in a group at higher risk.

To those that are going I look forward to seeing you and I'll be working on the bring and buy just inside the entrance.

Chris W


Posted : 18/09/2021 5:52 pm
Lloyd, Lloyd and Lloyd reacted
Pye Man
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It was my intention to come.

In an effort to do some thinning I have a couple of substantial items that I was going to put on the bring and buy – carriage costs might put off potential buyers through the usual channels – however I now have to go to work. 🙁

It’s not so very far for me and always enjoy having a browse and sometimes I have managed to catch up with folk only prevoiusly known on the forums.

Oh well, another time...


Posted : 25/09/2021 5:23 pm
Posts: 288
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I had finally decided to go along in the week, then yesterdays mass transfer of fuel from the retailers to (stupid) peoples cars made it seem rather unwise.

I'll wait for May.

Posted : 25/09/2021 6:54 pm
PYE625, PYE625 and PYE625 reacted
Katie Bush
Posts: 4859
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Posted by: @mfd70

then yesterdays mass transfer of fuel from the retailers to (stupid) peoples cars made it seem rather unwise.

Apparently, it has been calculated (approximate calculation) that there is more fuel storage capacity in all the vehicles currently registered and fit for road use (vehicles classed as being "on the road") than there is in all the fuel forecourts in the country.  The current thinking is that once the idiots have finished filling up their vehicles, there will be a mass slowdown in the "snatch and grab" mentality on the public at large. Rather like the 2019 bog-roll rush, and the run on rice and pasta, most of the selfish and the greedy will find themselves with nowhere left to store it.

What I don't get is how people are being allowed to fill pop bottles and suchlike. There are very specific rules governing the types of containers that can be filled at the pumps.

Posted : 28/09/2021 7:44 pm
Posts: 288
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Posted by: @katie-bush

Apparently, it has been calculated (approximate calculation) that there is more fuel storage capacity in all the vehicles currently registered and fit for road use (vehicles classed as being "on the road") than there is in all the fuel forecourts in the country.

The nightmare scenario is all these fuel fools panic-filling their cars, driving home and panic-syphoning petrol into giant panic-containers. Also this would result in a mass transfer of money from the public into the accounts of the oil companies bankrupting the UK economy !

Head for the hills !

Posted : 29/09/2021 10:38 am
Posts: 12254
Vrat Founder Admin

RetroTech 2021 is all done and dusted, by all accounts a very welcomed and long overdue event by all who attended. As this is now rapidly descending into rant's about fuel, I think it's time to call “time” on this thread.

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Posted : 29/09/2021 11:18 am