User Notifications
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Forum 135

User Notifications

1 Posts
1 Users
0 Reactions
Posts: 12234
Vrat Founder Admin
Topic starter

"LIVE" Notifications

This sits on the Grey Forum menu-bar. The bell icon which I'm sure folk are familiar with from other apps, shows the number of notifications you have. They also happen "Live" so when logged in if you get any of the following listed below, it will dynamically update your list.

The bell turns orange when it has notifications and a number indication how many you have. When you don't have notifications it will be transparent. Clicking/tapping on the bell will expand to reveal the type of notifications you have, these are as follows:-

Note: This is the first version so it'll be actively improved with new features in upcoming versions. Currently, it notifies for:

  • New reply in your topic
  • New reply / quote to your post
  • New like to your post
  • New up / down vote to your post (certain forums, not yet implemented)


You can click on each individual notification and it will transport you to the post in question. 


I do hope members are performing housekeeping and periodically using the "clear all" option, rather than leaving tens or even hundreds of notifications stacked up.

Why? It's lazy but more importantly you're not helping me or the forum. By leaving all the notifications you're allowing the database table related to your notifications to constantly fill up, further bloating the database and eventually impacting the forum performance as a whole.

So why not be community minded, why not help your fellow members and me, by simply clearing them?

With notification


Cleared Notifications

It should look like this, not orange with over 100+ indicated notifications. 


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Posted : 23/06/2020 8:04 am