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Wartime Civilian Radio Receiver.

43 Posts
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Till Eulenspiegel
Posts: 4943
Famed Member Registered
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The cabinet nears completion. The base now has the two 6" X 1 7/8" standoff blocks fitted along with four pads to protect surfaces the set will be placed on.

wartime civilian receiver utility base

 Till Eulenspiegel.

Posted : 15/03/2021 11:13 am
wartimesounds, ntscuser, Lloyd and 9 people reacted
Till Eulenspiegel
Posts: 4943
Famed Member Registered
Topic starter

If the cabinet construction was a complicated affair the radio chassis restoration proved to be very simple.  All that was required to make the set work was a replacement HT reservoir capacitor and a set of valves.  A BVA 276 frequency changer, equivalent ECH35, the IF amplifier is an ARP34 = EF39. For the output I borrowed a Mazda 6P25 from the ViewMaster TV set. The HT rectifier is an Osram U12, a directly heated valve.  

Non of the original wax capacitors have been replaced and it's likely all have leaks and will in due course need restuffing.   The 8  + 8mfd dual electrolytic HT smoothing capacitor is OK. 

A toggle mains switch will be fitted later.

Till Eulenspiegel.

Posted : 21/03/2021 4:37 pm
wartimesounds, Lloyd, wartimesounds and 3 people reacted
Till Eulenspiegel
Posts: 4943
Famed Member Registered
Topic starter

The output valve's cathode bypass capacitor has been replaced and the result is much more audio amplification.  In order to maintain the original appearance of the  underside of the chassis the innards  of the TCC 25microfarad capacitor will be replaced. 

With ten feet of wire for the aerial the set performs as well as any other "short" superhet radio receiver.

Till Eulenspiegel.

Posted : 21/03/2021 11:31 pm
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