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Trade Chat Shop Photo

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I've been trying to fathom a few things about this photo, which I find confusing, and where better to open the discussion than here at VRAT, with all you clever ex trade folk.


Clearly, the front TV is the final one on my hunt list, namely the 9904 series CTV, and yes I'm still looking, that's not my query, these are, the date, and the VCR.

The shop is easy, it's Radio Rentals, the clues, TV is a Thorn 9904 series badged as Baird, the 'New' 8944 VCR on offer, the colour of the carpet, Radios Rentals prime corporate colours were I believe green, but also you can just make out Radio Rentals under the rental pricing signs.

Where I come unstuck is the year!

The 8944 is shown as new, I think the 8944 would be the 3V44? Now, the 3V43 was available in 1984, so can I assume the 3V44 came out maybe a year or two later? If true, that would make the year 1985/86, but there's a flaw in that, as SKY TV didn't launch in the UK until 1989. Am I to then believe the year of this photo is around 1989 or later? But how can that be, surely the 3V44 can't have been released that late, and surely the 9904 would have been far too long in the tooth by then to be a rental offering.

You can see now how I'm now getting so confused with regard to the year, what say ye all?

9904 series TV from Radio Rentals catalogue

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Posted : 03/09/2024 6:32 am
Posts: 174
Reputable Member Registered

 It seems the Sky channel was first broadcast in January 16th 1984 at 5.45pm. Kate Bush was chosen to open the channel. it was available via the Radio Rentals cable network in Swindon first. Later that year other cable television networks carried the channel. So the photograph is probably from 1984.

Posted : 03/09/2024 8:34 am
Posts: 12254
Vrat Founder Admin
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Well there we go, I knew the answer would be forthcoming on here, that all makes sense now. Thanks Jim, for clearing up that mystery for me.

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Posted : 03/09/2024 12:46 pm