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@sideband Especially when things start to expand & disconnect in crucial places.

Posted : 13/09/2023 9:35 pm
Posts: 1536
Prominent Member Registered

Posted by: @crustytv

I bought another Raspberry Pi, so now the rack has two, one running Pi-C.O.W. the other running Pi-Pat and whatever test pattern I care to copy on to it. This has also been mounted onto a rack unit. The Pi-Pat also has a tiny wireless USB keypad connected which allows me to select a test pattern.

There was a hole for a power indicator on the rack unit, so I added a little perfboard with an LED and 330R series resistor, this was attached to GPIO header pins 2(5V) & 9(GND).

Finding good quality test cards has proved difficult, if anyone has some to share, that would be great.

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Hi Chris,

My Pi PatGen has a bunch of test cards loaded up, I haven't shared that disc image as I'm wary of copyright infringement ... What does the collective mind think ? Fair use?



Posted : 14/09/2023 8:58 am
Posts: 1536
Prominent Member Registered

I've also built up a PiText quite some while ago. It's happily running on a Pi Zero W. I also started to add a test card to the console , but didn't finish it. It'll make an interesting youtube video I suppose. I'll share a .img when it's done.

Posted : 14/09/2023 9:00 am
Posts: 293
Honorable Member Registered

Look for one thing, find another..

BBC Wales COW in storage.

Wales COW


Posted : 15/09/2023 10:10 am
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You lucky sod! 😉 

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Posted : 15/09/2023 10:25 am
Posts: 293
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@crustytv Don't know, it had failed a safety test some years ago so would need some attention, unfortunately I've not been able to generate any interest in getting it going. Luckily other people recognise it's historical importance so it is quite safe, just seems a shame not to restore it. There is a mechanical globe in storage too, if I find it I'll take a photo.

Posted : 15/09/2023 10:37 am
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