Linda Lovelace Experience

Submitted By Member : Ultrascan
It was in the late 70s when video recorders were starting to become popular, with the old Philips 1500n and 1700n being replaced by the new formats of beta and VHS. Now being a large independent retailer, the shop sold everything from Piano’s to TV and HIFI. Now I am sure that anyone in the trade would know, that films of a certain nature would be bought in to the workshop, and on this day was no exception. Well in those days there were no SCART sockets or video input sockets on TV’s, so everything had to go through the aerial socket. This was usually on and around channel 35 on UHF.
The shop area had many TVs and videos hooked up for demonstration, and as you know, that when the VCR was turned off, it left the TV channel open. The Workshop was a very large building separate from the shop, and on this day, someone thought it would be a good idea if they plugged the VCR into the workshop distribution amplifier, so we could sit at our benches to see this film.
Well, the film had only been on for around 10 minutes before the door burst open, as a very upset salesman came running up from the shop to get the film stopped, and told us that it was showing round the shop. It was only then that we realised that the shop’s amplifier feed came off our amplifiers.
Red faces all round, but it did seal the deal with the customer purchasing a video recorder.