Teletext Editing Terminal

Softel SE3010 Teletext Editing Terminal & SPRITE V5 Teletext Page Editor
The purpose of this page is to document the SE3010 terminal, which is based on a BBC Master Microcomputer. Along with the ROM package SPRITE V5.51 Teletext Page Editor. Information will be added as and when it surfaces, as there is virtually nothing available on the internet about this machine and its software.
This particular machine was in use at SKY television, it was connected via RS232 to a Teletext video generator rack mount unit. Out of this came blank video with teletext lines, which then fed a Teletext data bridge. This bridge then added further teletext live data and subtitles for the running program. This was about 30 years ago, and it was still used when they went to digital text, with some of the units being updated. Many thanks to Adrian for his kind donation to the Museum. I shall endeavour to put this to good use, but it will not be a quick task, I need to familiarise myself with the software and figure out how and if it produces .TTI files. Hopefully I can then use these with Vbit2 to futher enhance the museum’s analogue TV network, offering more services to the Teletext televisions.
Some Information on the later Softel SE3030
The Earlier Softel SE3010
Let’s Take A look Under The Hood