The one that got away

Submitted By Member Nuvistor
Reading on UKVRRR about multi path problems with FM reminded me of a similar situation.
This was in the 1970s, and we had installed a decent Hacker radio record player, I think a GAR500 or similar. A 3 element FM aerial was also supplied. The problem started on a wet, misty morning, the report was crackling on FM radio stations. Radio checked, and it was interference, traced to an overhead HV transformer that was 75 metres away from the house in direct line with the transmitter.
A walk around the electricity pole showed the insulators had electrical discharges, nice blue lights. The TX was I think supplying 10KV line to 240V for domestic use. In dry weather there wasn’t a problem, but when damp it made itself known. The electric supplier tried various things to improve things, but none were completely effective. The set had a good signal and was limiting as well as the circuit allowed, so that was it.
We didn’t get a good result, the one that got away.