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Capacitor Code Reference Chart

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Capacitor Codes

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Difference Between the AC and DC capacitor:

CHARGING In the case of AC, the capacitor experiences continual current flow. This is because the capacitor charges and discharges at the same rate as the current’s frequency. Thus, if the current is AC, a capacitor enables continuous flow. When a capacitor is connected to a battery, once it is charged, it prevents any current from flowing between the battery’s poles. It so prevents DC current.
CURRENT FLOW Current only flows when the power source is turned on and connected when an AC source is introduced to a capacitor. When a capacitor is connected to a DC source, the current increases initially, but as soon as the applied voltage is reached at the capacitor’s terminals, the current flow stops.
DIRECTION In AC circuits, the alternating current alternately charges the capacitor in one direction and the other at regular intervals. DC only flows in one direction, and it stops once the capacitor is fully charged.
POLARITY Polarity does not exist in an AC capacitor. Consequently, they are known as non-polarized capacitors. The polarity of a DC capacitor is fixed. Therefore, they are known as polarised capacitors.
FUNCTION According to the withstand voltage level and the type of circuit requirements, an AC capacitor must be determined. Only DC circuits may use the ones designated with positive and negative poles.

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2 years ago

Easy to use to decipher tropical fish capacitors, thankyou.

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