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D|E|R Engineer Training Bonus’

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Continuing the series of “looking behind the scenes” of one of the biggest rental chains in the U.K. I recently brought you the D|E|R perspective on the Thorn 1500 and the introduction of the Thorn 8500 to their engineers.

Payment Awards

For those of you who worked in the trade and perhaps even worked for D|E|R, this may bring back some memories. In this article you’re introduced to their award scheme for engineers completing the various stages of their City and Guilds.

In July 1966 the firm were gearing up for the launch of the colour service but at this stage did not provide any payment awards for colour. As can be seen below, there are details on existing payments for various stages of the pre-colour training. However, D|E|R did offer to pay for the colour course fees should any engineer complete a course.


You’ll also note the list of colleges already running colour courses and those in 1967 who intended to do so. Perhaps you might spot your college amongst them.

Anyway, without further ado, here are D|E|R’s words to their engineers.

Technical Training Awards

D|E|R Engineer Training Bonus' 1

Colour Courses; Currently Running

D|E|R Engineer Training Bonus' 2

Colour Courses; Currently Due in 66/67

D|E|R Engineer Training Bonus' 3


By 1967 D|E|R would pay you an additional £26 p.a. paid weekly as and addition of 10/- per week to the basic salary. The colour television awards were not limited to engineers who attended the City & Guilds courses. Any engineer who attended a recognised course could apply for the  award and wold be considered if he had reached a standard equivalent to the C&G sixth course.

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4 years ago

North Gloucestershire technical college became North Gloucestershire college of arts and technology, and had just become “GlosCat” by the time I joined. It was based in The Park, Cheltenham (at least the engineering bits) … in the mid-90’s it merged with St Mary’s College Cheltenham and became Gloucestershire University. 
Whilst the C&G TV & Video courses were no longer taught, I applied to sit the exams as they were still available (did the same with my ham radio ticket), and achieved a couple of merits.
Park Campus was demolished in the late 90’s/early 2000’s , and is now posh houses….  

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