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The trouble with this set is sloping horizontal white lines
across the screen. They are about an inch apart at the bottom, the distance between them decreasing towards the top of the screen.
These are field flyback lines. If the brightness is excessive, check the value of R507 (3001(52) in the c.r.t. first
anode supply circuit. This resistor tends to increase in
value, giving excessive brightness with flyback lines. If this
is not the case, the fault is in the field flyback blanking circuit. Flyback blanking pulses are obtained via C463
(0.1µF) on the field timebase board PC467 and fed to transistor TR2O1 on the chroma/luminance board PC446.
TR2O1 drives pin 8 of the TBA56OC i.c. Check C463, the
board interconnecting plugs and sockets PL28-5/PL5-1,
TR2O1 and its associated components as necessary.